coates’s avatarcoates’s Twitter Archive—№ 21,418

    1. Hi GovCanHealth: can you please explain why your COVID Alert app (on iOS) is sending (HEAD) requests to clients3•google•com? It looks like their captive portal verification endpoint, but I can’t think of a reason your app should do this. /cc mgeist
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  1. …in reply to @coates
    According to Canada's Privacy Commissioner, IP address (which this app absolutely does leak to Google) is considered Personal Information if the holder is able to link it to a personal identity (and Google has the ability to do this for most of us).
    1. …in reply to @coates
      So, it does seem that this app is unnecessarily, repeatedly identifying me to Google (in a way that could probably be tied to reporting data, with some clever data science). The actual reports come from retrieval•covid-notification•alpha•canada•ca, though, which is good.