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A list of popular tweets by retweets and favorites.

  1. Before you switch a developer from the thing they're working on to another thing, pretend that it's a 2h drive to the other job, + 2h back.
  2. Never trust a developer who tells you that any of the following are easy: Unicode, dates/times/time zones, threading, DNS, IPv6, debugging.
  3. I feel horrible for this kid. This could have been me. Or many of you. Who among us hasn't changed the ?id=149283 part of a URL to see what happens? The fault here lies with the developers, managers, and curators, not the curious.
  4. Suez Canal Status Page, AWS edition: 🟢 water level 🟢 mooring north side 🟢 mooring south side 🟢 tolling/transactions 🟢 excavator availability 🔅 “Courtesy message: we are experiencing an issue with a single customer.” …meanwhile, QuinnyPig’s registering stop.lying.canal.
  5. For a pet project, I'm looking to list out some women who were active and influential in the web from 1995-2002, and not coming up with very many. Enlighten me, please?
  6. “I don’t care if they spy on me—I’m not doing anything illegal.” was always broken logic, but it’s especially dangerous when “legal” suddenly becomes “illegal”, despite years of precedent. Protect your data and your communication.
  7. It baffles me that programmers haven't yet figured out that typing is cheap & understanding code is hard. Verbosity is a feature, not a bug.
  8. Every minute you save when your fancy framework does magical things to help you out costs future-you ten minutes of debugging. Not worth it.
  9. Google Exec #1: “Nobody uses RSS anymore.” Google Exec #2: “Yeah, of course they do!” GE1: “Prove it!” GE2: “OK. Watch this.” (kills Reader)
  10. I wish there was more Firefly. I bet if NathanFillion personally set up a Kickstarter project, we could raise seed funding for Season two.
  11. I don’t care how “secure” you think it is, preventing users from pasting hard-to-type secure passwords into a password field is unforgivable
  12. #Web languages if they were books: #PHP = Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, #Python = 1984, #Java = Mein Kampf, #Ruby = Lord of the Flies.
  13. Today shall go down in history as the day that every #PHP developer wrote code with an incorrect needle/haystack order:
  14. Today is 13-11-12 for those of us who care about unambiguous date formats.
  15. On being a *web developer*, not a PHP/Python/Ruby/JavaScript/Logo/Erlang/ColdFusion/Perl/Scala/Go/Fancylang developer:
  16. …in reply to @FalcoLambda
  17. …in reply to @glitch
    glitch I once did rm -rf tmp / instead of rm -rf tmp/ …as root …on a Friday afternoon …before a Monday launch
  18. …in reply to @safesolvent
  19. Colleague left computer unlocked? crontab -e */15 * * * * say curl -s |python -mjson.tool|grep facts -a1|tail -n1
  20. If you Google "2010-09-09”, you’ll likely hit the awscloud documentation for CloudFormation, whose templates are all versioned to this day, a full decade ago. Kudos to the AWSCloudFormer team for designing such a solid API. 10 years is eternity on the Internet. /cc jeffbarr
  21. …in reply to @coates
    Since some of you didn’t get this, I’ll spell it out: People who know about bridges trust bridges. People who know about software don’t trust software.
  22. I've never heard a civil engineer say something as wide reaching as "I don't trust bridges", but… …ask your local software engineer how they feel about self-driving cars.
  23. …in reply to @jna_sh
    jna_sh Congratulations to you (and QuinnyPig’s influence, certainly). This just showed up:
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API